Here are a few resources you may find helpful as you talk to your kids about Ukraine and current events:
Lesson Plans & Teaching Resources For Talking to Kids About Ukraine:
Choices Program –A complete lesson plan with talking points, video, and links for additional reading about Ukraine.
New York Times Lesson of the Day – A complete lesson plan crafted to discuss how and why the conflict in Ukraine began and what the implications are.
Russia & Ukraine Conflict Power Point – Teacher-made resource for talking to kids about Ukraine. Can be copied and edited.
Ukraine-Russia Conflict Choice Board 2022 – Make a copy and customize or use as is to help your students explore and gather information.
San Diego Office of Education – Resources for Educators to use in class, but also social and emotional tools you can use to engage with students as they feel the big feelings of this moment.
Free resources on Teachers Pay Teachers – Can’t go wrong with content made by fellow teachers! This link leads to the free resources associated with Ukraine.
Russia & Ukraine Conflict at a glance Infographic – Includes a map, chronology of events, and examines key issues in geography, history, and politics of Ukraine.
Harvard’s List of Teaching Resources about Ukraine – Includes links to online newspapers, journals, movies, podcasts, and more.
News Resources for Kids
Newslit Nation – Resources and lesson plans or discussing news literacy, determining the validity of sources, and how to sort out misinformation.
How To Help Students Talk About the News – An article giving teachers tips for navigating conversations about current events in the classroom.
Generation Global – Links to PDF lesson plans and activities to help navigate discussions about complex and sensitive topics.
Lisa Remillard on TikTok – A journalist who is using TikTok to help break down key issues at stake. Helpful for older students.
NBC Nightly News Kids Edition – Kid-friendly news reports on the Ukrainian conflict.
Games or Activities for Students About Ukraine
Convene the Council – An online game that lets students explore the decision-making process from the Situation Room or the National Security Council.
Tiny Tap Ukraine Puzzle – Online puzzle of a map of Ukraine. For younger students.
Ukraine Regions Map Quiz – Learn the regions of Ukraine with your student so you can better understand the news you are hearing.
Virtual Field Trip of Ukraine for Kids – Take your students on a virtual tour of famous landmarks, geography, children’s books, and cultural aspects of Ukraine.
We hope you find these useful. As you find other resources to talk to your kids about Ukraine, or if you create your own, please share in the comments. We’d love to keep adding to this list.
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