Recommended Read Aloud Books by Grade

Reading aloud to your students is one of the best things you can do to improve literacy and foster a love of reading. 


But maybe you’re stuck on what to read this year. Or you’re bored with your regular library and want to read something new to your students for your own entertainment. You can search all day and find tons of lists online–there are SO many great resources out there–but I’ve compiled a quick link reference below to save you a little time. (Hey, every minute counts, right?)


Side note – I tried to incorporate a variety of websites that could also help you in your teaching journey in other ways, so feel free to stray from your grade’s link and dig around other websites as well!


If you’d like to search beyond this list or are trying to find a book to fit a certain theme or subject, check out this awesome Goodreads read-aloud link where you can sort their list by age group, genre, type (chapter book vs. picture book), etc.

list of books to read aloud from goodreads

You might notice that some of the books show up in more than one age group, and that is just fine. When I taught seniors in high school, one of my colleagues helped me remember that a good story is a good story. R. J. Palacio’s novel Wonder, for example, can be enjoyed and appreciated by students of almost any age. It’s just a solid, relatable tale of being different, developing friendships, and learning to choose what’s right over what’s easy. I thoroughly enjoyed it as a full-grown adult.


Share your own wisdom and experiences! What would you add to the list? Comment with the grade you teach and books you love to read aloud to your students. 


  1. Book Pass Activity - Every Teacher, Every Day on January 31, 2022 at 2:05 pm

    […] a number of books equal to the number of students in your class. Each book must be different. See our grade level recs here. Find as much of a variety in genre and topics as possible – fiction, nonfiction, action, […]

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