Sticker dots are a cheap and easy way to pack repetition and fun into an independent learning activity with minimal setup. Peeling stickers is a great fine motor exercise. For little learners, you can peel off the surrounding paper to make it easier for them to peel on their own. I purchase my ¾ inch sticker dots from Amazon. Here are a few activities with which we’ve recently had luck. All of these activities can be done on small pieces of paper for individual learners or a large roll of paper for group learning!
Complete the Pattern: Arrange the stickers along a line in a pattern and encourage the child to complete the pattern. Get creative by switching up the theme (using a nature scene, a pattern on an Easter egg, etc…)
Symmetry: Encourage the child to make the picture symmetrical using sticker dots. Use shapes, flowers, butterflies
Bees and Ladybugs: Subitizing exercise using tally marks for the bumblebee stripes and dice faces for the ladybugs
ABC Match: This can be completed with simple letter matching or upper case/lower case matching. I’ve seen people do this on paper towel rolls as well!
Color Sorting: Sort the stickers by color!
Caterpillar Fill-In: With this activity, the child can match the correct sticker or write in the number on a sticker you have already placed as a part of the caterpillar.
Clock Sort: Practice subitizing, reading number words, and simple addition while also working on number placement on a clock.
Eggs in a Nest: Practice adding 3 numbers or number bonds with this robin egg activity.
Odd/Even Sort: Encourage students to sort their sticker dots by odd and even (or letter vs number).
Name Practice: Practice building your name using sticker dots!
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