Top Teacher Memes to Get You to Summer

woman writing on chalk board for top hacks on social media

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the home stretch. You’ve poured your heart, soul, and energy into another school year, and you’ve had some incredible moments. You’ve experienced many victories. And you’ve faced some challenges You’ve recognized the importance of small wins. And perhaps encountered a final straw or two that sent you over the edge.…

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High School Teacher Hacks

woman writing on chalk board for top hacks on social media

High school students can tend to be both cynical and apathetic, but they are also more mature, relatable, well-rounded, and confident than their middle school counterparts. You’ll have fewer of the disciplinary issues centering around a lack of self-control, and you’ll have much richer, deeper, meaningful class discussions. Much like middle school teachers, you have…

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Top Hacks on Social Media

woman writing on chalk board for top hacks on social media

The best teachers won’t gatekeep their classroom hacks. They love to share the things that have positively changed the way they plan lessons, teach students, and manage behavior.    We’ve rounded up some of our favorite social media hacks for teachers and want to share them with you!   Planning Hacks Any time students are…

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Teaching Tips from a Veteran Teacher

Different travel icons that represent the idea of traveling

Reflections in my Rearview Mirror Sometimes I think back and wonder, what if I were a brand new teacher with all the knowledge and skills I’ve acquired from 25 years of teaching high school? What kind of teacher would I be? It would definitely be a smoother road, without so many wrong turns and construction…

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Three Middle School Teacher Hacks

teacher passing paper to students for middle school teacher hacks

If you teach middle school, your days are truly unique. You’re always on your toes because there’s no telling what’s going to happen next. They are fidgety, brutally honest creatures who sometimes lack self-control and like to show off in weird ways. Your students have needs that are vastly different from those in elementary or…

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Elementary Teacher Hacks

woman writing on chalk board for top hacks on social media

When you’re an elementary teacher, hacks are a must, because teaching elementary students is not for the faint of heart. Your students are at an age that (overall) requires tons of individual attention and care, meaning your days are often full of exhausting small-group sessions and difficult heart-to-heart conversations. In addition, they are still developing…

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Three Templates to Help With Parent Communication

Graphic of a mouse pointer clicking on button that says "FreeSources" for Three Templates to Help With Parent Communication

Working with parents can be intimidating for some teachers, but there are steps you can take to set the stage for positive interactions and ease your mind as you navigate your school year. As with any other relationship, clear communication is key. We’ve rounded up some resources from top-rated Teachers Pay Teachers for handling parent…

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Disconnect and Reconnect with Nature

close up of lavender flower for disconnect and reconnect with nature

If you’re looking to disconnect and reconnect with nature, you’re not alone. Technology has transformed the way we teach and learn, making our lives easier and more efficient in countless ways. But it’s important to remember that there are negative effects associated with too much screen time. Consequently, anxiety, depression, and decreased cognitive skills can…

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The Importance of Relationships

heart on pink background with red and white confetti

Happy Valentine’s Day, Teachers! We hope that you know how much you are loved. No matter how you treat this holiday–whether you waltz through the day as a hopeless romantic or see it as another greeting card cash grab–it’s a good time to do a maintenance check on the important relationships in your life. Including…

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Why Teaching Personal Finance is Important

Teenage student holding piggy bank for why teaching personal finance is important

Debt is Bad! Over two years ago, I began teaching personal finance. Before that, I only taught your basic business classes: intro to business, entrepreneurship, management, and marketing. This was a new realm for me and I was excited to create lessons. In the span of the two years teaching the course, one thing is…

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