As my children come home from school with stories about what one teacher did or didn’t do, I’ve had to carefully consider how to filter what my child says with what I know to be true as a teacher. Here’s what I think your child’s teacher would want parents to know: 1. There are…
Read MoreMy first year of teaching, I worked on a teaching team with the two other teachers who taught 8th-grade literature. They were extremely kind, and we got along fine. But I never asked for help. In fact, I thought the meetings were a waste of time because I had so many things to do. As…
Read MoreSchool counselor Brittany Powe-Inge provides a raw depiction of her experience teaching through the pandemic. I can still remember the day we were called into the Principal’s office. No one likes that feeling right? We were notified that we had a couple of days to prepare our students for Virtual Learning….It was scary and nerve-wracking.…
Read MoreThere are a million “red light/green light” charts on Pinterest, here are 6 tips to really tackle classroom management with love and grace. Spring fever is in the air; the weather is warming up, and your students can sense summer lingering in the just-out-of-reach distance. Antsy students can sometimes lead to an uptick in behavioral…
Read MoreSo many emotions come with the topic of “Teaching through the pandemic.” Frustration fills me when I realize that, two years later, we are still teaching through a pandemic. Anxiety arises over the fact that, at any moment, we may have to pivot and adjust our learning model. Discouragement creeps in with knowing that our…
Read MoreWhy Use Phonemic Awareness for Reading Instruction? One of my first experiences with phonemic awareness reading instruction was about 10 years ago when I tutored a kindergarten student who was not making adequate progress in reading at the end of the second quarter. When I began tutoring her in January of her kindergarten year, I…
Read MoreIn honor of March’s Women’s History Month, we’ve gathered resources on some of the most influential women in education, both past, and present. These incredible women blaze paths for equity in education and have helped shape the way you teach today. Felicitas Mendez – Puerto Rican mother and activist whose three children were rejected by…
Read MoreAuthor’s Note: As a teacher, I sometimes found it soothing to call a beloved retired teacher and regale her with the funny and hard about my days. She could relate to so much, but, even more, she had so much wisdom to share. For those of you who don’t have a former teacher related to…
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