Top FREE Resources to Help You Survive EOY Madness
It’s hard to believe this school year is winding down. And we know that as you head towards that finish line, your neverending to-do list seems to grow exponentially. End-of-Year classroom inventory, parent conferences, student projects, classroom cleanout, grades on…
Read MoreCommunity Engagement for Teacher Support
It takes a village. You’ve heard this countless times in who knows how many different contexts. The concept applies to the schools we work in as well. A teacher should not be an island. He or she should be…
Read MoreTrue Stories from #EveryTeacherEveryDay
In December, we reached out to our teachers to ask them what inspires them in the classroom. We have received numerous heartfelt responses from teachers all over the country just like you. Some are thriving, some are struggling, many are…
Read MoreExercise Your Body, Exercise Your Mind
Disclaimer, please consult a doctor/health professional before starting any exercise program. This article is for entertainment purposes only. If you ask around, chances are most people have added a resolution somehow relating to exercise for 2023. And with…
Read MoreNew Year, New Mindset
Classroom teaching is, in a word, overwhelming. There’s just nothing else like it out there. You are constantly inundated with individual and class-wide needs, administrative demands, parent concerns, and daily to-do lists that grow and grow. The plans you so…
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