You made it! It’s summer! Read a good novel, take lots of naps, and feed your mind with new ideas and thoughts while you’ve got the space to listen. These podcast recs are simple, only the good stuff, the kind you’ll want to try to listen to once school is back in session, too! But for now, since you don’t have to keep an ear out for 30 kids at recess, you can fire up those ear buds and enjoy these podcasts!
Beginning Teacher Talk Podcasts – Dr. Lori Friesen shares the tools, resources, and tricks of the trade beginning elementary teachers need to be successful. Good for new teachers or those who feel like they need a reboot before the new school year.
Crying In My Car – Devin Siebold shares a humor-filled look at the world of teaching. This one’s just for fun, because it’s good to laugh!
#Ed Chat – Highlights and amplifies Twitter discussion of the week on #EdChat. During the school year, you’re in the trenches and may not have time to pay attention to the broader national conversations about education. Now’s your chance to catch up!
K-12 Greatest Hits – Short snippets from the best of radio interviews with the education movers and shakers. Up to date, informative, and just long enough for that drive to the community pool.
Teacher’s Aid – Focuses on the social and emotional health of teachers. Now is the time to process your Big Feels after an intense year. Don’t neglect your personal wellness during summer!
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